sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013

Answer to ResearchGate question:

Which first language do you think is the best for learning programming techniques?

Francisco Frechina · Universitat Politècnica de València
I would bet for the mix of SML, Racket, Ruby and finally Haskell.

SML give you some notions like:
- Benefits of no mutation
- Algebraic datatypes, pattern matching
- Higher-order functions; closures
- Lexical scope
- Currying
- Syntactic sugar
- Parametric polymorphism and container types
- Type inference
- Abstract types

However, Racket shows interesting things like:
- Dynamic vs. static typing
- Laziness and streams
- Implementing languages, especially higher-order functions
- Macros
- Abstract types via dynamic type-creation
- Reflexion

On the other hand, for the OOP, Ruby would be great showing:
- Dynamic dispatch
- Pure object-orientation
- Multiple inheritance, interfaces, and mixins
- OO vs. functional decomposition and extensibility
- Subtyping for records, functions, and objects
- Class-based subtyping
- Subtyping
- Subtyping vs. parametric polymorphism; bounded polymorphism
- Reflexion in OOP

And after all this, I would introduce the lazyness of Haskell
and go deeper in all Haskell stuff.

Of course, this is just one (of many) way(s) for learning 
programming languages techniques


See also the classical: Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years