domingo, 25 de novembro de 2012

The IDE divide

Good viewpoint on the world of developers: either you know well the language, or you know well the tool. See the IDE divide.

"The developer world is divided into two camps. Language mavens wax rhapsodic about the power of higher-level programming — first-class functions, staged programming, AOP, MOPs, and reflection. Tool mavens are skilled at the use of integrated build and debug tools, integrated documentation, code completion, refactoring, and code comprehension. Language mavens tend to use a text editor such as emacs or vim — these editors are more likely to work for new languages. Tool mavens tend to use IDEs such as Visual Studio, Eclipse, or IntelliJ, that integrate a variety of development tools."

"One consequence of the greater language selection available to the editor-only developer is it typically includes languages that are more powerful".

sábado, 24 de novembro de 2012

Software Is Mathematics

Software should be considered a part of Mathematics. Conventional Mathematics studies the existence of objects. Software is the branch of Mathematics which builds the objects.

Here, in What Does "Software Is Mathematics" Mean? - Part 1, considerations on this idea for courts in judgments about patenting software. Which should not be patented if it is considered Mathematics.